Are you the next Minority Messenger?

Summer has come and it is time to spread the message of diversity, spread the word about issues of young people and minorities in Europe and to create understanding and help in the building of peaceful societies. Become part of YEN´s Minority Messengers Project, travel Europe and meet young people, youth organisations, other minorities and […]

It is MYnority and MYSay

In the end of May 2019, people across the European Union will have a chance to decide on the future of Europe – by casting their vote in the elections to the European Parliament. Taking part in the election is an essential part of taking responsibility for our societies and the future we will live […]


Would you like to visit other minorities? Meet new friends? Learn something new? Join YEN’s activities in 2018 and become a Minority Messenger! How does this work? You will get a training with nice and interesting people all over the Europe to develop the project during the Kick-off event “Message in the Bottle” in Switzerland from 11th till 18th of February. Presentation […]

Christmas in Nordschleswig

That the German and Danish borderland is a melting pot of Danish and German culture, is particularly visible at traditional events such as Christmas. This is the case with my family as well. Before noon on Christmas day, my family and I are always visited by my grandparents, with whom we enjoy a small “julefrokost” […]

What’s going on in Carinthia, Austria?

Source: FUEN The reform of the Carinthian state constitution, which is one of the key priorities of the Carinthian state government consisting of the three coalition parties (SPÖ: Social Democrats – Prime Minister Kaiser, ÖVP: Conservatives – state party leader and Minister of Economy and Culture Benger, Die Grünen: Greens – Minister Rolf Holub) is […]

Kick-Off-Seminar “Step up!”: Applications are open

In February we  kick off with the “MYnority- My Say” and take a closer look on what youth participation means and how it can help achieving the goal of more inclusive, youth and minority-oriented society. During the Kick-Off-Seminar we will talk about the gap between the legal rights of the national minorities and real access […]

SAVE THE DATE: YEN goes 2019

As we are slowly approaching the end of the year, we are evaluating the past events, but at the same time already planning new activities in 2019. And there are some exciting things waiting for you! Under the motto “MYnority – My Say” we want to focus on youth participation as fundamental subject for young […]

Sashas Internship

In the beginning of July 2018 Aleksandra (Sasha) ZavjaIova joined the YEN-Office as an intern supported by the Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme. Her job focused on supporting a particular activity of YEN, which took place in late August – the Diversity Festival organised by YEN and its Member Organisation FYK – Jongereinferiening Frysk Ynternasjonaal (Western Frisians). […]

YEN discussing the shrinking space for civil society

We have been invited to take part in Council of Europe’s Consultative Meeting organized by Youth Department in co-operation with Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe and European Youth Forum to explore the shrinking space for civil society, its impact on young people and youth organizations, and examine models that are being used […]

New Secretary General

As of September 1, 2018, Kasia Siemasz took over the management of JEV as successor to Roman Kühn. For several years she has been active in youth organizations and in recent years she has been working for the concerns of young people at international and European level. After completing the International Parliamentary Scholarship in the German […]