Youth Leader Seminar in Orfü- Hungary

The Youth Leader Seminar 2013 “Ohne Grenzen- Határok Nélkül- Without Borders”, took place from the 9th – 13th of October in Orfü, Hungary. This year’s YLS was organized in collaboration with the Gemeinschaft Junger Ungarndeutscher. The main topic of the seminar was identity and itsmany aspects and dimensions relavant for minorities with the aim of leading a positive discourse among the participants. Also some important sub- topics wre the occupation with one’s own identity in the stress field of mostly two cultures, also minority and majority population. A special focus was given on redefining the identity of YEN and the rle that YEN plays for its members, and also for the minority organization’s identity.

The workshop “Identity of YEN” lasted longer than the other workshops linked with the topic identity, with the aim of giving the chance to everyone for participating and bringing in their ideas regarding YEN.

At the YLS the participants started working on our YEN-White Paper. With that it was planned to elaborate issues that would need to tackle and to set goals that YEN needs to reach as an organisation. For that reason a questionnaire was developed and sent to the MOs.

In total, The Youth Leader Seminar was a seminar rich of many intercultural discussions and exchanges of experiences. The participants developed a stronger consciousness for their role in contributing to a diverse Europe.